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The Orpheus Descent

The Orpheus Descent

Regular price Rs. 129.00
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Rating: 3.39/5 (38 Reviews)
Author:Colin Kapp
Publisher:New English Library

mercury Shell, Venus Shell, Earth, Mars, Asteroid, Jupiter, Saturn. Each shell concentric, studded with artificial planets, each planet embedded in its shell, spinning like a ball-bearing. The whole Zeus-created in the service of Man but now beyond his control.Now mathematics and space physics, converging, suggested another shell, its existence hidden from Man. A shell of utter darkness, cold and silent where only extreme mutants could survive.To find that shell, the three were journeying again: Maq Ancor, Master Assassin, Magician Cherry, and Sine Anura, Mistress of the Erotic. together, daring the all-seeing, all-sensing hostility of Zeus.

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