The Magus of Hay
The Magus of Hay
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Rating: 4.2/5 (1413 Reviews)
Author:Phil Rickman
Publisher:Atlantic Books
An unnatural body, a town steeped in black magic, and maddening isolation—has paranormal advisor Merrily Watkins finally met her match?A mans body is found below a waterfall. It looks like suicide or an accidental drowning—until DI Frannie Bliss enters the dead mans home. What he finds there sends him to Merrily Watkins, the Diocese of Herefords official advisor on the paranormal. Its been nearly 40 years since Hay was declared an independent state by its self-styled king—a development seen at the time as a joke, a publicity scam. But behind this pastiche a dark design was taking shape, creating a hidden history of murder and ritual-magic, the relics of which are only now becoming horribly visible. Its a situation that will take Merrily Watkins—alone for the first time in years—to the edge of madness.