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The Dark Isle (Sam Coyle Trilogy, #3)

The Dark Isle (Sam Coyle Trilogy, #3)

Regular price Rs. 99.00
Regular price Rs. 680.00 Sale price Rs. 99.00
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Rating: 4.22/5 (3357 Reviews)
Author:Arthur Ransome
Publisher:Red Fox

The crews on holiday, and they turn their energies to mining for gold, aided by pigeon messengers Homer, Sophocles, and Sappho. The adventurers comb the nearby hills for a fabled lost claim, while being shadowed by a mysterious figure they dub "squashy hat." Undeterred by drought, sudden brushfires, and the continuing presence of Squashy Hat, the young prospectors persevere in their quest - with surprising results. Full of the dangers and dark adventures of old mines and forgotten claims, Pigeon Post has an irresistible appeal to the persistent explorer in every child."There is plenty of excitement, a little danger, a quality of thinking, planning and fun in connection with a gold-mine. The ingenuity of this group of children is delightful and stimulating." The Times Literary Supplement

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