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One Breath Away

One Breath Away

Regular price Rs. 149.00
Regular price Rs. 419.00 Sale price Rs. 149.00
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🔥191 people bought this in the last 7 days

It's been recommended by 526 people on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Rating: 3.58/5 (2464 Reviews)
Author:Mike Gayle

Duffy is engaged. He accepted Mel's proposal. But the trips to Ikea, dinner parties for couples and talk of babies are giving him itchy feet and now he's not sure if he can say goodbye to his extended adolescence and can face up to that final walk down the aisle. How does he know if she's The One? Can he cope with responsibility? Does he have what it takes to become Mr Commitment? Because if he doesn't, he may just find that he's lost Mel - forever...

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