Cell 8: Ewert Grens 3 (DCI Ewert Grens) by Roslund, Anders,Hellström, Börge
Cell 8: Ewert Grens 3 (DCI Ewert Grens) by Roslund, Anders,Hellström, Börge
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Rating: 3.98/5 (435955 Reviews)
Author:C.S. Lewis
Troubled times have come to the magical land of Narnia. Gone are the days of peace and freedom when the animals, dwarfs, trees and flowers could live in absolute peace and harmony. Civil war is dividing the kingdom and final destruction is close at hand. Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the throne, resolves to bring back Narnias glorious past, so he blows his magic ho Troubled times have come to the magical land of Narnia. Gone are the days of peace and freedom when the animals, dwarfs, trees and flowers could live in absolute peace and harmony. Civil war is dividing the kingdom and final destruction is close at hand. Prince Caspian, the rightful heir to the throne, resolves to bring back Narnias glorious past, so he blows his magic horn to call up Peter, Susan, Lucy and Edmund to help in his difficult task.